Boasting the first omnimax film projector in the eastern hemisphere , 除了设有东半球第一座全天域电影放映设备外,
Endoscopic film projector 内窥镜照片投影仪
Film projector and screen 胶片投影仪及幕布
Film 35 mm ; film projectors ; nomenclature , projector head with sound - reproducing heads 35 mm胶片.电影放映机.第2部分:术语装有还音磁头
Audiovisual , video and television equipment and systems . part 20 : methods of measuring and reporting the performance of 16 mm sound film projectors 视听视频和电视设备及系统.第20部分: 16mm有声电影胶片放映机的性能测量和报导方法
Specification for audiovisual , video and television equipment and systems - methods of measuring and reporting the performance of 16 mm sound film projectors 视听视频电视设备及系统.第20部分: 16mm有声影片放映机性能测量和报告方法
Although digital projectors now cost about five times as much as conventional film projectors , the technology should become less expensive over time 虽然数位放映机的价格比传统电影放映机高出约五倍左右,但这项技术应该会愈来愈便宜。
It can accommodate a maximum of 300 movable seats on tiers and a stage measuring 9 . 8 metres by 4 . 9 metres . other fixtures include two dressing rooms , sound and stage lighting equipment , film projectors , a baby grand piano and acoustic shells 9米的舞台、两间化妆室;附设音响及舞台灯光设备、电影放映机、大钢琴、反音板等,是举办小规模演出的理想场地。
It can accommodate a maximum of 300 movable seats on tiers and a stage measuring 9 . 8 metres by 4 . 9 metres . other fixtures include two dressing rooms , sound and stage lighting equipment , film projectors , a baby grand piano and acoustic shells 另设有阔9 . 8米深4 . 9米的舞台两间化妆室附设音响及舞台灯光设备电影放映机大钢琴反音板等,是举办小规模演出的理想场地。
Inside the stanley ho space theatre , there is a hemispherical projection dome with a diameter of 23 metres . boasting the first omnimax film projector in the eastern hemisphere , hong kong space museum was also the first planetarium in the world to possess a fully automated control system at its stanley ho space theatre 何鸿?天象厅装设有直径达23米的半球型银幕,除了设有东半球第一座全天域电影放映设备外,更是世界上第一座拥有全自动天象节目控制系统的天文博物馆。